It's been three years since I started Alli Brydon Creative in September 2017, and it's still my dream job. Helping children's book authors and illustrators develop their best work is what I love doing most.
In the past three years, I've worked with a diverse group of clients, from self-publishing authors to large publishing houses, from NYTimes bestsellers to awesome kidlit writing groups, from unpublished authors and illustrators looking to perfect their pitches to my local indie bookstore who hosted me for my very first author reading.

2020 has brought many things, both good and very, very bad. And while the global pandemic has affected each of us so differently, I feel connected with the entire kidlit community and know that we are all in this together. Today, I'm sticking to the "Rule of 3s" with three special announcements to celebrate the 3rd birthday of Alli Brydon Creative:
1) I'm starting up my picture book reviews again! During lockdown, I had started reading and reviewing picture books in a series called You Gotta Read This and I'm picking it back up again. I'd like to review YOUR book, so please email me to discuss.
2) From now until the end of 2020, I am offering a 30% discount off all my children's book critiques for all clients. Maybe you've spent the lockdown writing a bunch of new manuscripts you want to work on. Maybe you're just now getting back to your creative groove after months of feeling anxious and uninspired. I want to help you get back into the swing of things.

3) AND for BIPOC- and trans- identifying people, I am offering a free query letter critique or 30 minute phone/video-chat consultation on the children’s publishing industry where you can ask me anything. Maybe you're getting ready to pitch your work to agents and editors. Maybe you want to start working in publishing and don't know where to begin. For you, my inbox is open from now until forever. This is on offer even if you do not hire me to critique your manuscript.
It's no secret that (like many other fields) there is widespread inequality in publishing. There is still a lack of diversity and a huge barrier to entry and retention for BIPOC and trans people in publishing houses and literary agencies. I'm aware of my privilege as a cis white woman working in publishing, and am constantly assessing what I can do to help level the field by learning, speaking out, and giving back to others.
Please get in touch at to ask me more. Take the opportunity to polish up your submission package and turn 2020 in your favor!
With lots of love as you say goodbye to summer and get back to whatever your "normal" is...
#selfpublishing #selfpublish #author #writer #picturebook #picturebookauthor #book #childrensbookeditor #publishing #kidlit #motivation #picturebookeditor #childrensbook #writing #pandemic #BIPOC #trans #bookreviews #ruleofthree