Last week was a bit of a crazy one! In addition to the umpteenth snow storm/Nor'easter we've seen this month (and 10th snow day off from school), there was some exciting news over here at Alli Brydon Creative:

(for more on this, including my Twitter thread and the YouTube clip, click here)
Yup, I was the editor and project manager on the picture book A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo, aka the #BetterBundoBook, published by HBO's Emmy-Award winning show Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and Chronicle Books. The book hit #1 on Amazon and sold out within minutes (if you want a copy, don't worry: another printing is happening right now). It was an extreme honor to work on this with the brilliant teams at Last Week Tonight and Chronicle, as well as artist-extraordinaire EG Keller and my fabulous designer/friend Andrea Miller. Everything about this book makes my heart burst with joy, from the themes of inclusion, acceptance, and love, to the LGBTQ and AIDS charities that will benefit from the insane amounts of copies being sold. Oh, and we got it all done with lightning speed!
On the same day, I was featured in a Q & A on the wonderful Hither & Thither, discussing what a children's book editor does and how you can write a kid's book of your own! I love talking to Ashley and her readers about kid's books, and will likely be making some more appearances on her blog this year. Take a look at my past kidlit roundups: for MLK Jr Day and Valentine's Day.
It was a big, fun, exciting, and exhausting whirlwind-of-a-week! Kind of like a Nor'easter, I'd say.
And stay tuned for more exciting news from me this Friday...
Alli Brydon Creative does not stop!