
Nov 21, 2019

Gearing up for the holidays...

The end of the year is always a flurry activity in the children's book world. Publishers are up against deadlines, trying to get those books to print before the end of the year. Readers and writers alike are poring over end-of-year Best-Of lists, "ordering fingers" at the ready.

And over here at Alli Brydon Creative, I've been busy, too...

Yesterday, I had the absolute pleasure of speaking live, via webinar, to one of the most active picture book writing groups, 12x12 Challenge, run by Julie Hedlund since 2012. The purpose of the group is to motivate and inspire its members to write 12 picture book manuscripts throughout the year, one per month. It also provides wonderful resources to its members, like a webinar series, for which I was a guest speaker.

My presentation about picture book revision, "Picture Book Yoga: Bending, Twisting, and Stretching Your Manuscript Into Shape," is currently viewable only to 12 x 12 members, but it will be made available for purchase in the new year. I will definitely provide a link to you all when the time comes. And starting in January 2020, you can sign up for the next 12 x 12 annual membership. It's such a great resource and community to both brand-new and well-established picture book writers.

The Q&A session at the end of the webinar was particularly thought-provoking for me, (some great questions from the audience!) and uncovered a bit more that I want to delve into about the process of revising picture books. I am currently dreaming up another blog post about "The Big Q(uestion) & Big A(nswer)" of your manuscript, and also one on what to do if you feel stuck about your ending. Stay tuned...

In October, I celebrated the publication of my first trade children's book, Myths and Legends of the World, published by Lonely Planet Kids.

First of all, I must give a shout out to the illustrator Julia Iredale, whose art for this book sends thrilling tornadoes swirling through my mind. It is just. absolutely. stunning - and was more amazing than I could ever have expected. Pick up a copy of the book and see for yourself.

Trying to promote this book has been a new "special" experience for me, one I am still trying out. I even launched a new author web site, where I'll be talking about my writing and publications only. Please swing by:

Social media, bookstore events, school visits, giveaways, guest's a lot of work! Maybe I'm just spreading myself too thin? I'd love to know more about how some of the published children's book authors out there manage it all. Please give me a shout at, especially if you've got a secret magic formula!

And lastly! Do you have a kidlit creative in your life for whom you're seeking the perfect holiday gift? Maybe you're a picture book writer and/or illustrator who wants to invigorate your creative projects in 2020. If you click on my "Services" page, you'll find two PayPal "Buy Now!" buttons to purchase either a picture book manuscript critique (800 words or less) or dummy critique (32 pages) for yourself or a loved one.

Once purchased, a lovely, gift-y email receipt will land in your inbox, and I will get in touch to discuss the "gift" of picture book revision. (PS: There is no expiration date on the voucher.)

Of course, you can always reach out to me at to discuss the particulars of your special project. I'm looking forward to working with new picture book clients in 2020!
